KEMNA1202 – Physical chemistry I. seminar
Seminar problems (pdf):
P1-P9: Ideal and real gases
P10-P14: 1st law of thermodynamics
P15-P20: Thermochemistry
P21-P26: 2nd and 3rd law of TD
P27-P33: Potential functions, 1-component systems
P34-P41: Mixtures
P42-P45: Phase rule
P46-P56: Chemical equilibrium
P57-P63: Thermodynamics of electrodes and galvanic cells
Further downloads:
Data tables for plotting (xls format)
Derivation and integration rules
SciDAVis download (open source software)
- Date: 9 December 2024, 10:00-12:00
- Room: A/117
Based on the score you get on the CLOSING TEST, the final grades will be as follows:
- below 49% – fail (1)
- 50-69% – pass (2)
- 70-79% – average (3)
- 80-89% – good (4)
- above 90% – excellent (5)
re-take of the closing test:
If a student wants to improve her/his grade in the CLOSING TEST, there will be a re-take opportunity.
- Date and place will be announced later.
minimum test:
If the CLOSING TEST and its re-take are unsuccessful (fail (1)), the final grade (max. pass (2)) can be obtained by a later minimum test.
- Date and place will be announced later.