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International Mobility
The University of Pécs offers a number of opportunities for you to study abroad, gain field-related experiences, undertake research in another country, both during and outside of semester studies, as well as immediately after your degree.
The Faculty of Sciences, among other faculties is more and more involved in a number of exchange programs to promote staff, students, teachers and even departmental engagement with international institutions and organisations.
As of 2022, we have over 69 partners in Europe and 17 partners countries in other continents including Asia, North America, South America and Africa.
Most of the programs announced by our faculty support the exchange members with a feasible grant which varies from one program to another. However it is advised to check on the specific requirements of each program in order to apply for it.
Find out more about the different mobility programs available, and advice on preparing for your trip.
Erasmus+ Study Exchange Program
Erasmus Traineeship Mobility Program
Erasmus Blended Intensive Program
Central European Exchange Program for University Studies (CEEPUS)
European Digital UniverCity (EDUC)