How can I apply?
The application period always closes at the end of May. The interview takes place afterwards, in late June or early July.
Applications can be submitted via the PTE central website.
For more information, please visit the Admission for Applicants section.
What type of training should I choose?
Our doctoral school is open to students on a full-time basis.
The available funding schemes are:
- State scholarships
- State-funded
What qualifications can I obtain?
The PhD in Earth Sciences is obtained by completing the training and then defending a doctoral thesis.
How many courses and credits are needed per semester?
Altogether 240 credits are required during the four years training. On average, 30 credits should be acquired per semester. However, the schedule can vary from one student to another and from year to year. It is possible to register more (and less) than 30 credits in a semester. For the SH students it is required to get at least 20 credit/semester. (See the question about the complex exam also!)
I entered the program by complex exam. Can I get credits for the papers were published before the complex exam?
Yes, if the topic of published papers correspond to the PhD research.
Which courses should I take?
Each student has an individual learning path. You can choose from the courses offered by the doctoral school according to your interests, research topic, etc. You can also choose courses offered by other doctoral course. It is strongly recommended to make plan about taking of the courses with your advisor at the start of the 1st semester.
Are there obligatory courses?
Yes. The seminars relate to the programme you participate are obligatory.
Can I take courses from other PhD schools, other universities?
Yes, you can do it. The maximum credits you can collect this way is 30. The credits for this courses have to be approved by the head of the doctoral school. The certificate form is available at Student Registration Office.
How many credit do I have to collect by the time of the complex time?
By the time of the complex exam you have to have at least 90 credits. The remaining 30 credits have to be gained no later than by the time of the end of the 4th semester.
How I should decide to choose about the topic of the complex exam?
You can find the list of the complex exam topics in the Appendix of the regulation of the Doctoral School. You have to choose one topic from the group A and one topic from group B.
Do I have to submit the dissertation by the end of the 8th semester?
Due to the current regulation you have to submit your final dissertation to the Registrar’s Office within 3 years after you passed the complex exam. Important to note that in 3rd year no grant is available for the students.
What are the language requirements?
Passing of two language exams are required. A B2 level English language exam is obligatory (but you already have that due to the entrance requirements). The requirements about the other language exam depends on the program you are involved. If you are involved in the Physical Geography program exam can be taken at Foreign Language Center of the University of Pécs is accepted. If you are involved in the Geopolitics or Human Geography program you are required to pass a language exam at least at A2 level. The language should relate to your research area.
Is the Hungarian language exam acceptable?
Yes, foreign students can take a language exam in Hungarian. This exam can be taken at Foreign Language Center of the University of Pécs.
Is my mother tongue acceptable?
The Council of the Doctoral School decides whether a language is acceptable. The basic principle is the following: if there is “significant scientific output” on that language it can be accepted as a second language.
How can I prove the knowledge of my mother tongue?
Various official documents are acceptable. E.g. certificates or diplomas proving that the student has performed previous studies (elementary school, high school, university, e.g.) on that language.
Is the Conference course obligatory?
Yes. Due to the regulation of the Doctoral School you have to gain conference credits. It is highly recommended to participate in conferences to present and discuss your research.
Is the Participation in the research program course obligatory?
No, you can gain the 120 credit in the period of education and research, as well in the period of the research and dissertation with doing only individual research. However, it is recommended to join a research program if it is available for you.
Is the Education activity in the university course obligatory?
No, you can gain the 120 credit in the period of the research and dissertation without having any seminar or lab. Note, having lecture is allowed only in the period of the research and dissertation.
Do I have to make research in the period of education and research, how can I get credits for this?
Although in this period you should focus on taking courses, but you also have to present some progress in your research as well. It is not necessary to submit scientific papers, participating on conferences is enough to fulfill the credit requirement in the period of education and research.
What are the publication requirements?
The requirements depends on the program you are involved. Submitting papers to the high ranked journals is recommended. Ask your advisor about the available journals fit to the topic and the novelty of your research.
Are there weekly lectures during the doctoral training?
The courses are hold once in each month in each semester. The seminars can be hold irregularly depending on the topic of the seminar. You should discuss the course schedule with the instructors: they decide on course formats.
When does education period start and when does research period start?
Student has to take complex exam by the end of the 4th semester. Until the complex exam, the period considered as education period and student can take courses which help their research. After complex exam, the period considered as research period and student mainly focus on their research work.