For prospective students
The Geography and Earth Sciences programs and the Faculty of Sciences at the University of Pécs, Pécs, Hungary
The 650-year old University of Pécs and the 25-year old Faculty of Sciences are the homes for the Institute of Geography and Earth Sciences (IGES), which is among the largest schools of this sort in Hungary. IGES offers programs at bachelor, master and doctoral levels in the fields of Geography and Earth Sciences.
Pécs is perhaps the very best location for studying geography in Hungary, as the city is located at the crossroads of multiple and transnational cultures, in the gateway of the Balkan Peninsula and the warm and sunny southern slopes of the Mecsek Mountains. Here, you may initiate your future geospatial-career in the oldest university of Hungary, in a modern, cutting-edge and student-centred environment. In this student-friendly educational system you will find the field of spatial studies that fits the best for your plans.
Key information
- Duration of training: full-time 3 years/6 semesters (180 Credits)
- Deadline of application: May 31
- Programs start: September, 2018 (fall admission only)
- Tuition Fee: 5,000 Euro/academic year (two semesters)
- Non-refundable application fee: 140 Euro
- Additional costs: field trips in Hungary (usually in the vicinity of Pécs)
- Director of the IGES and head of the Earth Sciences program: Prof. István GERESDI
- Head of the Geography program: András TRÓCSÁNYI PhD
Entry requirements
Accepted equivalent qualification(s) for Hungary
Award of the Érettségi/Maturation exam with a mark of either 4 or 5 in all subjects (B and A in the US system). Level A, corresponds 5 in the Hungarian educational system – excellent (90% or above), level B, equivalent of 4 in the Hungarian system (80% or above).
Language skills
If your education has not been conducted in English language, you will be expected to demonstrate evidence of an adequate level of English proficiency.
Applicants must meet the minimum language requirements to be able to start their studies in the Faculty of Sciences, University of Pécs. B2 level is a minimum requirement, which is equivalent to an intermediate command of English. (e.g. ELTS minimum 5.5, or TOEFL minimum score 66).
Applicants who do not meet the minimum language requirements have to start their studies with an English Language Preparatory Program.
More information can be found about at http://isc.pte.hu
Degree structure
In each year of your degree you will take a number of individual classes. You will need to collect 30 credits per semester, on average you get 2 to 4 ECTS per a course. Classes are assessed in the academic year in which they are taken.
The Geography and Erath Sciences programs share courses and subjects, therefore both programs provide a sound foundation in the fields of GIS and science. In addition, in the Geography program, comprehensive basics is also given in social sciences. Nonetheless, both programs have their own discipline-specific courses that totals 63 and 66 ECTS for the Earth Sciences and the Geography programs, respectively. Courses in Specialization module totals 74 and 45 ECTS for the Earth Sciences and the Geography programs, respectively. You need to take elective courses of 10 ECTS. Elective courses can also be take outside the IGES.
Your dissertation is the main focus of year three. You may also join to various currently running research projects to familiarize yourself with research protocols and methods. With your dissertation work you earn 10 credits in both programs. In total, over the 6 semesters of your studies, you will need to earn 180 ECTS total.
Fieldwork throughout the program takes place in south-western Hungary, and you may apply and earn scholarships to other countries in Europe through Erasmus and CEEPUS mobility schemes.
An academic year consists of two semesters (fall and spring semesters). Fall semesters end in mid-December, followed by an exam period until the end of January. Spring semesters begin in early February and ends in mid-May. We have a week of fall and spring mid-semester breaks.