Credit: Pirisi Gábor
Geography BSc
Institute of Geography and Earth Sciences (IGES)
Key information:
- Duration of training: Full-time 3 years/6 semesters (180 Credits)
- Deadline of application: 30/June
- Starting date: 1/September (autumn intake only)
- Tuition Fee: 5000Euro/academic year (consists of 2 semesters)
- Non-refundable application fee: 140 Euro
- Head of the Geography program: Dr András TRÓCSÁNYI associate professor
- Head of the Institute: Dr Szabolcs Ákos FÁBIÁN associate professor
- Academic Coordinator: Dr Gábor PIRISI associate professor
Description of the program:
During this 6-semesters long BSc program, students can learn and acquaint themselves with:
- the most important relations between geography and related disciplines,
- the analysis and adequate interpretation of the problems and challenges of geographical space from a physical and human geographical approach,
- the methodological fundamentals essential for the complex and integrated analysis of environmental spatial problems in classrooms, labs, and fields.
Applied geography specialization is offered for all international students and combines environmental geography, regional development, GIS, and tourism. The program includes a six-week professional practice at self-selected private and public businesses and companies, however, the practice is also available at the university and IGES. By completing the professional practice, you will gain a broad range of practical and project management skills and knowledge to explain, analyze, interpret and execute various planning programs.
Admission requirement:
- Obtained High School leaving certificate
- Good grades in School leaving examination/A-levels, especially in Geography (It must be equivalent to the Hungarian grade of 4 or 5, in percentage it should be above 80%)
- Demonstrated evidence of an adequate level of English proficiency
- Medical certificate, vaccination card (showing that you are immunized against HEP B, C) and HIV test, and results of Chest X-Ray
- Europass CV in English
- Motivation letter (introduction plus field of interest, etc.) in 3000 to 3500 characters
- Copy of valid passport or national ID
- The applicant must turn 18 years old or should be older by the day of enrolment in the current BSc study program
- 1st year
- Introduction to Physics
- Introduction to Geology
- Introduction to GIS 1.
- Astronomical Geography and cartography
- Geomorphology
- Population, Place, and Identity
- 2nd year
- Geomathematics and Geostatistics
- Hydrogeography
- Biogeography
- Introduction to Pedology
- Urban & Economic Geography
- 3rd year
- Human Geography of Europe
- Physical Geography of Europe
- Human Geography of Hungary
- Physical Geography of the Carpathian Basin
- Degree works /Thesis writing
Future Job Opportunities:
IGES geographers at the University of Pécs have a particularly good track record of securing excellent employment in various businesses, as well as private and public companies, including various water management companies, environmental protection enterprises, national parks, local governments, and in the diverse fields of regional development. The popularity of our students in the job market is partly due to the significant project management skills they develop by undertaking their supported dissertation research.
Also keep in mind that our training focuses on expertise and skills that are adaptable to altered job market demands, with which you may plan your future career in a flexible manner.
Destinations of recent graduates of the Geography and Earth Sciences programs include:
- Regional planner at local governments – in the field of regional planner
- Project manager – in the field of regional planner
- Proposal writer –in the field of regional planner
- Ranger at National Parks- in the field of Environmental protection
- Hydrologist (Hungarian Water Directorates- in the field of Environmental protection
- Waste management expert - in the field of Environmental protection
- Urban developer in the field of urban development and property management
- Urban planner the field of Urban development and property management
- Property manager in the field of Urban development and property management
- Public utility companies, department of the land register in the field of Geoinformatics
- GIS expert (Paks Nuclear Power Plant, Z-GIS at University of Salzburg) in the field of Geoinformatics
- Touristic manager in the field of Tourism
- Guide in the field of Tourism